Tiziana Stapel
Diploma of Ayurvedic Practitioner at AGN/EISRA in The Hague, Holland, (HBO level); she attended a course for Ayurvedic Massage Therapist, Aromatherapy, Astrology and YogaShe at the Ganesha Centrum in Alkmaar, Holland. She did a training in Ayurvedic Center of Jalandhar,Punjab,India for Ayurvedic Therapies and Massage and experience in China and Turkey to see several massage, acupressure and hammam techniques.
Tel. 0031 (0) 6 30298063
Ewout Staartjes
Is a Yoga Teacher and director of Yoga Dynamica in Netherlands. He did Yoga training in Siberia during the summer in mountains near Bajkal & winter in Novosibirsk - Russia with Vladimir Kalabin and he does regular Iyengar Yoga lessons, with Marja Berntssen, to Deventer - Netherlands. He has lorned yoga with many good teachers as Martyn Hoogstra, Anatoliy Zenchenko, Oleg Linikh and other.
Tel: +31 6 11366920
Surajit Das
Born in Calcutta (India) in a musical atmosphere/family, Surajit received his first sitar lesson from his aunt, Shrimati Suruchi Das, at the age of 9. At the same age he also started to do YOGA.
After a few years of training he developed a great interest in Indian Classical Music and received further training from a well known sitarist, Prof. Kashinath Mukerjee. Surajit did not only stay under his guidance for more than 15 years, but has also been under theguidance of Prof. Chinmoy Lahere, a well known classical singer in India. During his education Surajit studied and developed all the ragas according to the traditional style in all their phases. In 1986 Surajit obtained his Masters Degree in Indian Classical Music at theMusic University Prayag Sangit Samiti Allahabad, where he became third amongst all participants from all over India. In 1989 Surajit was send on an European Tour to France, Belgium and Switzerland by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , the founder of the Transcendental Meditation Movement. Since 1990 Surajit is living in the Netherlands and has not only given Concerts and Workshops all aroundEurope, but has also worked together with personalities like Deepak Chopra and Roy Martina.
Tel: +31 6 24948687
Sharda Nandram
Is a Dutch resident, born in Surinam, and is third generation of Indian origin from Jodhpur, Rajasthan. She has two masters’ degrees. One in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and the other in General Economics at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She completed her PhD in Social Sciences at the Vrije University of Amsterdam. Sharda is Professor Entrepreneurship at the University of Applied Sciences HAN, Associate Professor Entrepreneurship at Nyenrode BusinessUniversity, Founder of Praan Solutions, trustee of the Foundation of Critical Choices for India, Member of the Steering Committee of the Spirituality Economics and Society (European SPES), and President of the Dutch Women Council of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin.
Tel: +31 (0)346 291 582
Yogi Ram
Yogi Ram was born in the Indian South East state of Orissa. He comes from a Family with a long Ayurveda and Yoga tradition. Started learning yoga from his Grand Father at the age of 13 in the village of Amamunda where he lived until the age of 17. Later on, he became student of Economics and History in Ganga Dhar Meher College in Orissa. During his stay at the college, he never miss any Satsang (spiritual teaching) in the Sambalpur city, an ancient city where many sages use to come. During this period, he attended the Satsang of Swami Chidananda (disciple of Swami Shivananda from Rishikesh). This encounter changes his mind and life. After that he experienced spiritual awakening and started an intense spiritual practice and study, reading books of Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Shivananda and Raman Maharshi, between others.
After the completion the University and holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts he qualified for an administrative work in the Orissa government. However because of his deep interest in spirituality, the year 1998 he left Orissa and came to the banks of Ganga in Rishikesh. In Rishikesh he came first to Shivananda Ashram where he did his first Yoga course. After this course he meet Swami Vigyananda from Yoga Niketan with whom he went deeper in the study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavat Gita, Hatha Yoga and meditation. After this period he spent some years doing sadhana in Swarg Ashram and went to some Himalayan caves looking for the perfection of his spiritual practice. Since that, he has been teaching Yoga in Rishikesh from the last 15 years guiding his students who comes from all over the world and funding Shanti Dham Yoga Ashram, an institution dedicated to disseminate spiritual knowledge and help seekers on the path of God realization.
Tel. 0091 97 19 355 853
Juliette Reniers
Her approach of yoga is open-minded and down-to-earth philosophical. It focuses on the own direct experience, integration and translation in modern life, and goes back to the sincere core (of all aspects) of yoga. Years of experience in guiding retreats, with intense and varied programs. These retreats are an inspiring and down-to earth combination of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, ayurveda, conscious food, dance, music (kirtan), art and reflection.Yoga lessons, workshops and retreats. Ayurvedic counseling and massage. Love for the healing and inspiring art of music, (piano, harmonium, tabla, cello, singing bowls, guitar). Interdisciplinary artist. Director of “Het Land van Nu” (The Land of Now).
Tel. +31 6 51 71 01 15
Nathalie de Rooij
Mijn naam is Nathalie de Rooij, ik ben geboren in 1973 en woon samen met mijn vriend in Tilburg. In het dagelijks leven sta ik met heel veel plezier voor de klas op het vmbo. Mijn allereerste yogales volgde ik halverwege de jaren ’90. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat het lessen geven aan mensen in het bloed zit, want ik heb een aantal jaar geleden besloten dat ik ook yogalessen wilde gaan geven. Ik vond en vind yoga zo fijn, dat wilde ik delen met mensen. Pilates was voor mij als hobby een leuke afwisseling van yoga, en het voelt nu ontzettend goed om ook Pilates te geven als afwisseling van het geven van yogalessen.
Ik heb mijn internationale diploma als yogadocent gehaald bij Yogi Ram van Arhanta Yoga International. Yogi Ram komt uit India en geeft hele authentieke Indiase yoga. Na mijn yogadocentenopleiding heb ik af en toe wat lessen gegeven als vervanger en inmiddels heb ik besloten er zelf voor te gaan: een eigen yogastudio.
Tijdens een yogaretreat op Bali maakte ik kennis met Yin Yoga. Het heeft direct mijn hart gestolen. Daar wilde ik meer over weten, dus ik ben er een docentenopleiding voor gaan volgen. In het najaar van 2014 heb ik mijn opleiding tot Yin Yoga- en meditatiedocent afgerond bij Stillness in yoga, bij Anoshe en Nigam Overington.
cobraBij BB Pilates United in Amsterdam, bij Suus Wilms, heb ik mijn Pilates Instructor Mat gedaan.
Phone 0031620029795
Amalia De Jong
10 times kundalini yoga in Amsterdam with Marieke de Lange;
3 months of hatha yoga in Heerhugowaard with Mieke de Bock;
3 times energyflow yoga in Heerhugowaard with Gitta;
3 times vinyasa yoga in Heerhugowaard with Sandra van Etten;
200 YTC, hatha yoga course, lineage of Swami Sivananda in Arhanta Yoga Ashram in Khajuraho, India.
I missed the true knowlodge of the yoga lifestyle. That's why I did the course, actually. If you need more informatie, please let me know.
06 283 611 06
Anne Soffer-Verpalen
Anne is a 1000+ hr registered Yoga Teacher at the IYN Independent Yoga Network.In 2016 she finished the Advanced Yoga Anatomy training with Leslie Kaminoff and she participated in the Anatomy Trains in Motion course with Karin Gurtner. In 2017 she attended Leslie Kaminoff’s Advancing Therapeutic Education weekend in Germany. Anne holds a Bachelor Course Credit in both Anatomy & Physiology. In 2018 she took part in Dr. Thomas Myers Body Reading Masterclass. In 2019 she completed the course “What's the fuzz?” by Gil Hedley, Ph.D. In 2020 Anne participated in Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's summer series 1&2. She visited diverse spiritual teachers such as Sogyal Rinpoche, Amma, Jeff Foster, Daniel Odier and many more. She occasionally writes yoga related articles for Yogi Times and Elephant Journal.
According to Anne, being a teacher of Yoga implies being a constant student of Yoga.
Meester Troelstralaan 17
1181 VD Amstelveen
+31(0) 6 110 82 678
The Netherlands
DOB- 15-01-1979
Snežana Radojičić
My name is Snezana Radojicic, born in Prilep, Macedonia (b.1960). After completing the secondary medical school and graduating at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, I continued practicing yoga for almost three decades which guided me to my instructor calling.
My training was obtained in India trough multiple occasions where she gained additional knowledge at courses and in schools in the fields of yoga, meditation and ayurveda, including: The College of Therapeutic Yoga by attending 500 hours at the Asana Andiappan College of Yoga Research Center, Chennai, Hatha Yoga Teacher Training School by Dragana Loncar, as well as The Instructor School at AbhayaranyaYogpeet in Rishikesh, Yoga & Reiki School Teachers School in Shri Sant Sewa Yogu Ashram (Hymalayan Yoga Academy), a course for Thai Yoga massage at Sunshine House in Greece, practicing yoga in the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, Iyengar School in Omkarananda Patanjali Yoga Kendra. I attended the Iyengar yoga classes at the Ramayana Institute in Pune, Iyengar School in Yogabyas - Matunga near Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh and Iyengar Yogashraya School in Mumbai. I also attended the Ayurveda classes at Swazha Ayurveda Clinic in Kumily, Kerala.
Currently actively practicing and teaching at my own school for corrective therapeutic yoga in Belgrade, Serbia.
- I am a member of the Yoga Alliance and the European Yoga Federation and member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, (IAYT).
- Publications in Serbia and in the region: Ona Magazin, Blic Žena, Zdravi i lepi, Yoga portal, Alo newspaper, etc. including appearances on national television.
Picture in the attachment.
Contact info:
+381 64 1355626
+381 65 3355626
Hedda Malde
I first met with yoga in Australia and have practiced since 2003. I have learned from several different styles and teachers, but in the latter years I have done deeper studies with Satyananda Yoga. I have completed 1.5 years with Satyananda Academy at Mangrove Mountain, Australia, where I also lived and worked in the ashram while studying. I have spent quite a bit of time in India, soaking up the yogic lifestyle there. I started my own yoga company at the beginning of 2014, primarily teaching yoga in Grimstad, Norway. I teach general classes, but also mum and baby, private sessions and programs, as well as yoga for elderly. I am passionate to share the knowledge of yoga. I find it is so needed in todays society. It is so lovely to see how people are healed through yoga, how tentions are reduced, how they transform and how people easier deal with lifes challenges better due to the practice of yoga. I am continously developing myself though my own yoga practice, study and life itself. I am so excited to be sharing this great knowledge with others. I try to share as much information through my website and blog, and have a wish to do what I can to change the world to the better, starting with each individual. May all beings everywhere be happy and free.
Telephone: +47 4621 9714
Izabella Demozzi
Ayurveda consultant, owner of the Centrum Ajurwedy based in Warsaw , sole representative in East-Europe for Dr. Franklin’s Panchakarma Institute and Research center Kerala (South-India). Izabella Demozzi is representing Poland in the new European Ayurveda Association (EUAA) as founder member of the Polish Ayurveda Association ( PSA) .Her goal in this life is to develop the path of the inner self –understanding, work in the universal energy and enlarge her knowledge. Since 10 years Yoga practitioner in different forms and expressions .
Tel: 0048 515 166 246
H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Suryananda Maha Raja
Founder and President of the Yoga Portuguese Confederation, and Yoga Sámkhya Institute; Yoga practitioner for over 41 years; is the author of Chakra Sútra - the 7 main Chakra of Yoga (1985), and Sámkhya, Cosmogenesis and Yoga – beyond Hydrogen (1986). Founder of OMKÁRA - Choir and Orchestra of Mantra, and PASHUPATI - Advanced Traditional Yoga Demonstrators. His Grand Internal Yoga Master is the Adi Guru Lord Shiva; the live Master that most influenced him was Svámin Krshnánandaji Sarasvatí of Shivánanda Áshrama – rshikesh; and his other big reference is the Mahá Shakti who unveiled herself in1917 in Fátima, Portugal - the Bright Lady transmitted the urgent stop of bloodshed amongst the Humanity.Mahá Rája is the head of the Yoga Teaching Graduation Program, always with
a high stand of world excellency, and teaches the complete Yoga Training Program for Yoga Instructors in 6 years = 4.500 training hours, Yoga. Teachers in 10 years, and Yoga Masters in a total of 14 years. In 2001, he proposed to UN and UNESCO the creation of the First Global Day– Ecumenical Day, Inter Ethnic, Inter Religious, and Inter Cultural - on the Solstice, June 21st – which is also the Yoga World’s Day – a Fraternal. Day - 24 hours without bloodshed in the whole World, a Day for the Enlightenment of Humanity, for the preservation of the Ecosystems, and the human-Cosmic conscience.
Tel: +351 217 802 810
Didi Ananda Devapriya
I have been practising Ananda Marga yoga since 1995. After undergoing two years of volunteer apprenticeship and three years in an intensive training in Sweden and India, I became an acarya, or spiritual teacher and yogic nun, of Ananda Marga (the Path of Bliss). I then was posted in Italy for 4 years, where I initiated several hundred women into individualized yoga and meditation practices as well as leading retreats, seminars and teacher trainings. In 2005, I underwent a further training in an advanced meditation practice and became an “Avadhutika”, and received my spiritual name, Didi Ananda Devapriya, which means "the blissful beloved of the Divine.” I then was transferred to Romania, where I took on the coordination of several social service and development projects, including a children’s home, after-school center, organic farm, holistic center and alternative kindergarten.In Ananda Marga philosophy, spiritual practice is considered a birthright of all human beings, just like light, air and water.
In the Ananda Marga meditation tradition, the teachings are offered in a personalized one-to-one session as a free service to all spiritual seekers, according to an ancient, 7000 year old tradition.
Ananda Marga means the “path of Bliss” because as we come closer to the Infinite Source at the center of our being, our inherent nature shines forth. This expansive state of mind is then expressed through selfless service.I offer meditation instruction, individualized asana instruction to women seekers on an appointment basis. I also offer Bach-Flower Consultations.
In addition, I teach weekly yoga classes, lead weekly meditation sessions and kiirtans at the Morningstar Center in Bucharest ( and offer courses, seminars and lectures both in Romania and around the world, travelling regularly to Italy, the US, Holland, Denmark and Lebanon. I also write regularly for various publications, and maintain a blog:
Didi Ananda Devapriya
Ananda Marga Acarya
Maja Milicevic
Maja Popov met with meditation and yoga at age 13. With 18 years in the Ukraine and Switzerland she has finished as the youngest teacher of Transcendental Meditation and yoga. Maya is a certified teacher and a representative of Serbia - European Yoga Federation and Word Movemen for Yoga and Ayurveda ( ). She is the founder of the Yoga Center Maya in Belgrade.
Vedic knowledge she learned from the Maharishi Maharishi Yogi (Transcendental Meditation, Yoga Sutras, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vastu) and fromYogacharya Jadranko Miklec ( she learned therapeutic yoga and individual approach to exercise which she successfully conduct for students and professional athletes. Also she learned the system of Ashtanga yoga from David Williams ( ), who first introduced the Western world to Ashtanga Yoga. Also she learned an ideal system of exercises for the spine from Maharishi Swami Dev Murti. Pulse diagnosis and Marma massage she learned from Dr. Ernst Schrott, director of German Academy of Ayurveda. She graduated from the Novi Sad Faculty of Sport and Tourism TIMS-in. Published two books and two DVDs and yoga. The owner and editor of the magazine Yoga & Fitness.
Maja Regoje
Maja finished the basic course for a Yoga instructor (240 hr) at the International Academy for instructor`s Yoga education with professor dr Predrag Nikic in Belgrade, as well as additional training – Yoga therapy, Yoga in organizations, Yoga for elder people, Yoga meditations the first level.
Further teacher training (600 hr) and training in Yoga therapy she continued with Yogacharya Jadranko Miklec (EYF).
She attended different workshops and seminars related to Yoga and Personal development. She would specially like to mention the course of Kriya Yoga and lectures taken with the teacher Nebojsa Bozanin in the Ananda Centar in Belgrade.
She has been practicing Yoga for the last 20 years and during that time she has been acquinted with different styles and methods of it. She likes to combine Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow and therapeutical Yoga.
Maya is a bachelor of geology. After working at the Faculty of Geology as an assistant, and doing work as a manager in different companies, in the year 2015 she harmonized her life according to her needs and wishes and converted her priorities – Yoga became her basic activity, and manager jobs her „hobby“. Currently is in the position of one of the directors of Holistic Academy Maya in Belgrade.
Dr Željko Mojsilović
Željko was born in 1973. in Ivanjica, Serbia. He is Yoga and Meditation teacher (600-hr), and he is continuously developing in these areas, supervised by Yogacharya Jadranko Miklec (EYF). The special topics Zeljko is improving on are Yoga therapy and Yoga in sports: performance improvement and prevention of injuries.
For more than 20 years Željko was member of and one of the leaders in the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Serbian Police. He also managed the Crisis and Hostage Negotiations Team for 10 years. Željko graduated from the Faculty of Business Studies in Belgrade. He completed specialist studies and then got an MS Degree and a PhD from the Faculty of Security in Belgrade, gaining the title of a PhD in Security, Defense and Protection.
He acquired additional qualifications in different courses in the fields of organization of the trainings, management, leadership, managing human resources etc.
He has had several books and papers published in vocational and scientific magazines.
In addition to his dedication to his work and education, he has also been committed to sports for over 20 years (jiu jitsu, IPSC, archery, tennis, mountaineering, etc.) as well as to acquiring education in the area of personal development (yoga, meditation, NLP, reiki, coaching, quantum harmonization, etc.)
In the last 10 years he has been working with athletes, individual clients and groups interested in enhancing their potential and achieving their goals using different holistic methods.
Currently is in the position of one of the directors of Holistic Academy Maya in Belgrade and program coordinator in the school for Yoga Teachers Maya.
Diana Cimpric
Graduated in Psychology, she works with the body psycho-therapy and she holds courses of therapeutic and corrective Yoga. she practice Hatha Yoga since 10 years, and in the last years she also started to practice Bhakti Yoga. She is in the group of indian dance Rasa Lila to promote the indian art and culture all around Europe.
Mobile: 0038 640 975 962
Polona (Ambikananda) Sepe
A poet, screenplay writer and film director of documentary and short feature films Ambikananda is also a source of inspiration for the growing tantric community in Slovenia gathering around her Esoteric School of TANTRA KRIYA YOGA – Vama Marga. Studying esoteric sciences and Theosophy, she was lucky to be taught and initiated by such great souls as: Mantaki Chia, Benjamin Creme, Sunyata Saraswati, Umeshanand and Dr. Swami Anandakapila Saraswati. She is authorized to initiate into Naga Pranayama by Kriya Jyoti Tantra Society. Ambikananda is initiated and ordained as a deaconess of the Liberal Catholic Church. She teaches her students to make synthesis – not “separation” with comparative philosophies and Kriya Tantra.
Yogi Praveen Satthi
was born in southern part of India, Kerala. He gained the primary knowledge of yoga from his grand mother “Madhavi Amma”. Along with yoga he was also trained in traditional medicine and Ayurveda. Seven years of Kalari practice (martial art) gave him a good idea about “Marma Vidhya” (pressure points). He sharpened his yoga knowledge from various yoga acharyas (teachers) in different parts of India, especially from Varanasi and Rishikesh, where Maha Yogi Shonkarlal gave him blessing to spread yoga around the world. Yogi Praveen attained further yoga and ghyan yoga knowledge from Sadana Sadan Rishikesh. Yogi Praveen had been following different forms of yoga from Bakthi yoga to Karma yoga for the past 10 years. In 2008, after a year of ashram life in Rajasthan, he got exposure to Raja Yoga. He completed his training under Brahmakumari System of Yoga in Mount Abu . Yogi Praveen uses traditional Gurukula system of teaching. He is appointed as as YOGA AMBASIDOR BY YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL in the year 2013 by association. Yogi satthi had conducted numerous seminars, works shops and yoga course in Europe and Africa.
Phone : +91 / 875 4892476
E-mail :
Noelia Pacheco Sanchez
Member of the World’s Yoga and Ayurveda Community, Member of “Yoga Teacher” recognized by the European Federation of Yoga. Recognized by the World Yoga Alliance as a Certified Yoga Teacher.
I was born in Madrid. In 2000, I started in yoga receiving training in hatha yoga Sivanda’s line with Hindu Master Pradeep Kumar in Wellness Center Marbella, Malaga. With Mahesh of Sri Swami Vishwananda’s lineage, I trained in Atma Kriya Yoga, a Yoga technique that provides the keys for this time of history and that were transmitted by the Great Master Mahavatar Babaji. Advanced classes in different periods from 2001 to 2008 in Yoga Nidra, Raja, Karma and Bhakti. Official certificate in Tantra Kundalini by “Association Française de Yoga”, completed in Paris, France, in 2013. Since 2008 I conduct therapeutic and Kundalini yoga classes, in Madrid, Spain. University certificate as trainer of trainers. In my new trajectory I aim to retrieve the true essence of Indian Yoga from a therapeutic standpoint by means of AYURVEDA medicine under the training course “Therapeutic and Ayurveda Yoga”. As a Director in Spain of “ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA DE YOGA Y AYURVEDA” and leader of this new initiative, I intend to introduce this ancestral wisdom in our society and apply it as a complement in traditional medicine. Miembro de la Comunidad mundial del yoga y Ayurveda, Miembro “Yoga Teacher” reconocida por la Federación Europea de Yoga. Reconocida por la World Yoga Alliance como Yoga Teacher Certificada.-
Nací en Madrid. Comencé en el mundo del yoga formándome en hatha yoga en la línea de Sivananda de la mano del Maestro Hindú Pradeep Kumar en Wellness Center en Marbella, Málaga en el año 2000. Con Mahesh del linaje de Sri Swami Vishwananda, me formé en Atma Kriya Yoga, un sistema de Yoga que da las llaves que precisamos para esta época de la historia y fueron transmitidas por el Gran Maestro Mahavatar Babaji. Cursos de perfeccionamiento, en diferentes periodos desde el año 2001 al 2008 en Yoga Nidra, Raja, Karma y Bhakti. Titulación oficial en Tantra Kundalini por la Association Française de Yoga, cursado en Paris, Francia, en 2013 Desde el año 2008, Imparto cursos y clases de Yoga Terapéutico y Kundalini Yoga, en Madrid, España. Titulación universitaria como Formador de Formadores. En mi nueva trayectoria, apuesto por rescatar la verdadera esencia del Yoga de India desde una perspectiva TERAPEÚTICA de la mano de la MEDICINA AYURVEDA bajo el curso de Formación de “YOGA TERAPEÚTICO Y AYURVEDA”. Como Directora en España de la “ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA DE YOGA Y AYURVEDA” y propulsora de esta iniciativa novedosa, pretendo introducir esta sabiduría ancestral en nuestra sociedad actual y aplicarla complementariamente a la medicina tradicional
Tel. 607714871
Anna Costanza
Nací en Milán en 1974, con la edad de 20 años empecé mi búsqueda espiritual, aterrizando en 1996 primero en Australia y más tarde en el Reino Unido. En 1997 me mudé definitivamente en Londres donde empecé mis estudios de Yoga como Karma Yogui en el Centro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta. Mi formación como monitora de Yoga empieza en 2003 con el curso de instructores(TTC) de la Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Academy en Nassau, Bahamas; desde entonces me dedico únicamente a la enseñanza del yoga. Continué mis estudios en Madrid en la Escuela Internacional de Yoga de Madrid donde en 2006 me diplomé como Profesora de Yoga. El mismo año abrí “Espacio de Yoga" en Alcobendas, y más tarde en Las Tablas, Madrid.
Entre 2008 y 2010 completé los Estudios Avanzados de Yoga “Sadhana Síntesis” con Swami Digambar (Danilo Hernández).Desde 2007 practico Ashtanga Yoga con mi profesor, Jose Carballal (Mysore House, Madrid) a quien respeto y admiro profundamente. La búsqueda espiritual me ha llevado a practicar con maestros de fama internacional como David Swenson(EEUU), Liz Lark (UK), Stefan Engstrom (Finlandia), Lino Miele (Italia), Godfrey Deveroux (UK), y Greame Northfield (Australia).Cada año atiendo a los intensivos de Peter Sanson (Nueva Zelanda) organizados en Europa. En 2014 tengo programado viajar a India, para estudiar y practicar directamente en el KPJI, Mysore. Después de mucho buscar, entendí que, por mi cualidades personales tenía que focalizar la práctica espiritual únicamente en el Ashtanga Yoga. Como resultado nace Yoga Shala, un espacio dedicado a la práctica y estudio del Ashtanga Yoga.
Tel: +34 607 61 24 72
Yogacharya José Manuel Martínez Sánchez
Nacido en Albacete el 11 de marzo de 1983.
Licenciado en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Murcia. Máster en Psicología Humanista (Escuela Superior de Técnicas y Estudios Avanzados de Barcelona). Maestro de Reiki Usui diplomado por la Federación Española de Reiki ( Nº. Federado: 2803). Instructor de Yoga por la Escuela Internacional de Yoga, certificado por la Yoga Alliance, la European Yoga Federation y la Federación Española de Yoga Profesional. Profesor de Chikung -Qigong-, diplomado por la Escuela Neijing, ("TIAN" Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo de la Medicina Tradicional China. Pozoamargo, Cuenca). Diplomado en Medicina Ayurvédica yYoga(Academia Europea de Naturopatía). Diplomado en Naturopatía Psicofísica (FENACO - Organización Colegial Naturopática).
Ha escrito diversos libros sobre meditación y espiritualidad: “Buscando la paz interior”, “Hacia el despertar espiritual” y “La luz de la conciencia”, libros que contienen textos en prosa, así como poemas de temática espiritual.
Tel. 609391394
Piero Piga
Piero Piga achieved a deep training as an ayurvedic masseur in 2003 at Amadio Bianchi’s “C.Y. Surya – Scuola Internazionale di Yoga e Āyurveda” in Milano ( Since 10 years he is devoting himself completely to this job, improving his own knowledge by attending several courses of ayurvedic treatments (shirodhara, pindasweda, basti, garshana, ubatana, etc.) under the supervision of the Maestro Amadio Bianchi. In addition, he also attended several courses of ayurvedic massage at the “Abhyanga Yoga & Ayurveda” center in La Coruña (Spain) held by Natalia G. Sañudo. He extended and increased his interest in manual therapy attending a massage course in ESTP (Escuela Superior Técnica Parasanitaria/High Technical Healthcare School) in La Coruña (Spain) as well as attending the course of “Masaje para Mujeres Embarazadas” (Massage for Pregnant Women) held by Ascensión Gómez López (Obstetrician and Physiotherapist) at the Center of Hebamme of Cartagena (Spain) ( He completed his training attending the course of “Mindfulness – Reducing Stress and Anxiety” held by Carola García Díaz – La Coruña (Spain) ( and the First, Second and Third level of Reiki Usui Tibetan System. Piero is practicing Yoga since 2007 and he is following a training to become a professor of “Yoga Integral” in “Escuela Mahashakti” of Galicia (Spain) ( He is a member of the “European Yoga Federation” ( Together with the Maestro Amadio Bianchi, Piero is a collaborator in organizing Āyurveda courses for the Independent Community of Galicia (Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia).
Tel: 0034 679 933 975
Yogacârya Mimoun Abdel-Lah
President of "Asociacion de Profesores de Yoga Comunitarios". Adviser & founder member of the Spanish Federation of Proffesional Yoga. Founder of the National Sakuratakekan Association.
Yogacârya & Karate Master(Sensei 9° Dan)
Telefono (+34) 923 230 839
Yogasiromani Indra (Alberto Robles)
Director of Yoga School "InYoga" in Madrid. Yoga Teacher certificated by the International Yoga School of Spain and registered RYT® in Yoga Alliance. Hatha Yoga and Meditation teacher in Madrid (Spain). Technical Industrial Engineer by profession. Two years trained in Sadhana Sínteses (Kriya Yoga y Kundalini) by Swami Digambarananda Saraswati (Danilo Hernández). Iniciated in Satyananda school by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati. Trained in Therapeutic Yoga by Gisela Vázquez from Anusara Yoga School of Spain.
Reiki Master in Karuna-Prakriti system, Tibetan Tantric Reiki system, Traditional Japanese Usui system and Komyo Reiki (direct Japanese linage).Therapist in Ayurveda, Quiromassage and Reflexology. EFT Trainer (Emotional Freedom Tecnique) in Spain. Coach and Professional Certified Healing Codes Practitioner by Dr.Alex Loyd from USA.
He is used to organized travelling groups (India, Nepal, etc), events and meeting in relation with Yoga disciplines and culture. He has developed a a Yoga training program for Stress an Anxiety (10 weeks program) .
Tel: +34 650 695 644
Swamini Danda Ananda Jaya Ma (M. Victoria Azón)
Born in 1956 (Barcelona), Swamini Danda started practicing yoga at the age of 13 th. Descended from the lineage of the great master of Kriya Yoga, Swami Parahamsa Hariharananda, she was living for 15 years in Swami Gushananda’s Ashram, her Guru. With about 40 years in teaching experience, she is currently the Director of Yoga Ashram in Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona), and the Albera’s Ashram (Girona - Catalonia) where she does training of Yoga teachers (Yoga Master).
Now a days, she is the President of the YOGA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE inspirited by Gandhiji's Ashram. and represents the Kriya Yoga science in Spain.
Every year, Swamini Danda organizes and conducts the Congress of Yoga for Peace.
Tel. 0034938655052
Clara Maria Cabo Fernandez
“I´ve been formed for ten tears ago in differents schools of yoga. My preferences were: Hatha, Dynamic and Terapeutic style. I´ve studied differentes tecnics of meditations too. In my classes i tried to mix the sensibility and subtlity of Yoga. I want that all my students have one new and more real experience of theirselves”
Tel. +34 672305449
Yogacharini Ajna Vamadeva
Ajna Colominas Azón
Nacida en el año 1981 en el Ashram Camp de la Fundació Guasch. Hija de Yogacharia Niranjan i Swamini Danda, rodeada de naturaleza, el yoga forma parte de su vida desde que nació.
Profesora de Yoga desde 10 años, actualmente es la vicepresidente de Yoga Ashram Associació (Catalonia-Spain). Devota del linaje del Mahagurú de Kriya Yoga Parahamsa Hariharananda.
Born in 1981 in the Ashram Camp Fundació Guasch. Daughter of Yogacharya Niranjan and Swamini Danda, surrounded by nature, yoga is part of his life since birth. Yoga teacher for 10 years, is currently the vice president of Ashram Yoga Association (Catalonia-Spain). Devote the lineage of Kriya Yoga Mahaguru Parahamsa Hariharananda.
TEL. 0034 – 938655052
Teresa Sanchez Fernández
Practico el Yoga desde hace más de 30 años, soy la fundadora del centro Yoga Iturbi en Valencia. Actualmente sigo la línea de Satyananda con la guía de mi maestro Swami Digambarananda Saraswati (Danilo Hernández) Con él hice el curso de formación y profundización en el Yoga “Sadhana Sintesis “ estudiando las principales sendas del Yoga.He ampliado mis conocimientos físicos y anatómicos asistiendo a los cursos de Anatomía para el movimiento de Blandine Calais. Me he formado en Estiramientos de Cadenas Musculares y en Trabajo con el Potencial Corporal con Jorge Ramón Gomariz. Terapeuta en Reiki Usui Tibetano y Técnica Metamórfica, de la mano de María del Carmen Boira. A día de hoy sigo aprendiendo con entusiasmo y agradecida de poder comunicar las bondades del Yoga.
Yoga Iturbi es un espacio abierto a todos, orientado al crecimiento personal.
Basada en la linea pedagógica de los Centros Internacionales de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta y Yoga Satyananda. Hacemos clases diarias de Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Estiramientos de Cadenas Musculares y Trabajo con el Potencial Corporal, Chi Kung & Taichi, Yoga para embarazadas, Pilates y Kung Fú. A su vez, los viernes ofrecemos charlas y conferencias, y se imparten cursos, talleres y seminarios de fin de semana. El centro también está disponible para ser alquilado, contacta con nosotros. Yoga Iturbi es un centro tranquilo, cercano y familiar. Lo llamamos “un espacio para tu salud” porque es un lugar de bienestar para tu cuerpo y tu mente. Somos un equipo de profesionales que hacemos de nuestro trabajo una manera de vivir, damos lo mejor de si para que las personas se sientan queridas y escuchadas. Las clases son diarias y flexibles, de mañana, tarde o noche.
Tel. +34 610 374 996
David Martín Rubio
Profesor de yoga para adultos y para niños.
Terapeuta y masajista ayurvédico.
Dirijo un centro de relajación y bienestar basado en Ayurveda y otras técnias naturales como reflexología podal, auriculoterapia, naturopatía,flores de bach, EFT y Reiki.
Profesor de yoga.
Profesor de Yoga para Niños. Escuela Yoga Kundalini Zaragoza.
Curso de Extensión Universitaria de Salud Ayurveda. Certificación de la Fundación de Salud Ayurveda Prema y del Instituto Universitario del Gran Rosario (Argentina)
Terapia Ayurveda y Panchakarma. School of Ayurveda & Panchakarma. Kannur (Kerala) India
Masaje Ayurvédico. EANTA.
Quiromasaje. Vitae Estudios.
Naturopatía. Vitae Estudios.
Reflexología Podal. Vitae Estudios.
Auriculoterapia. Vitae Estudios.
Técnico de gestión del conocimiento y desarrollo de la creatividad. Universidad de Salamanca.
Terapeuta EFT (Técnicas de liberación emocional). Federación Española de Reiki.
Maestro de Reiki (sistema Usui Shiki Ryoho) .
Monitor de Relajación y Meditación.
Meditación Mindfullness (Silvio Raij)
Sonoterapia con Cuencos Tibetanos. Centro Ayurvédico Lola Sierra
Inteligencia Emocional. Forem
Coaching- Desarrollo profesional estratégico. IVAFE
Coaching Nutricional - Shaw Academy
Experiencia de práctica de yoga desde el año 2002. Desde hace 3 años realizo práctica no laboral de 5 horas semanales con Juan López Martinez Maestro de Yoga desde hace más de 25 años (Perteneciente a la Asoc. Cultural Nuevas Luces de Zaragoza Red GFU) certificado por la Asociación Internacional de Yoga Yoghismo (AIYYE/E y FYY). Además de la práctica diaria personal de meditación y yoga.
años 2012-2014. Director Me Siento Bien Centro de relajación y bienestar. Terapias ayurvédicas, masaje y yoga). Año 2013. Formación de Profesor de Yoga (400 horas) E.P.D. (Escuela Parasanitaria y Deportiva. Miembro de la Asociación Profesional Española de Naturopatía y Bioterapia). Año 2012-13. Formación en yoga para niños (Cómo enseñar yoga a los niños, niveles I, II y III) en la escuela de Yoga Kundalini de Zaragoza. Año 2011-2012 Ayurveda y masaje ayurveda. EANTA (Zaragoza) profesora Lola Sierra. Año 2013-2014 Ayurveda y Panchakarma – School of Ayurveda & Panchakarma (Kerala - India)
Experiencia profesional:
2013-2014, Profesor de yoga para niños (Asoc. Cultural Santa Ana de Cuarte de Huerva). 2013, Profesor de yoga en familia (Asoc. Cultural Santa Ana de Cuarte de Huerva). 2013-2014, Profesor de yoga para adultos (Asoc. Cultural Santa Ana de Cuarte de Huerva). 2013-2014, Profesor de yoga para adultos (Me Siento Bien, Centro de Relajación y Bienestar). 2013-2014, Profesor de yoga para niños (Ecocentro, La despensa de Ganesha, Zaragoza)
Tel. 976 09 33 53
e-mail relajació
Rosario Belmonte Postigo
I am a certified yoga teacher by the Yoga Alliance. The training is to impart Aereal Yoga, the requirement for this formation is to be as Yoga teachers. It is an intensive training so we need that the teacher knows, philosophy, have previous knowledge of the sacred texts, ethical precepts of Yoga Yamas and Niyamas. Learn asana (meaning asana), know the different asanas and their names in Spanish and Sanskrit, anatomy and alignment on the ground, since all these skills are brought into the fabric. Although it is a kind of Aereal Yoga, Yoga is above all, we must be very demanding for the message is not distorted and the essence is not lost.
e teach students to enter and exit the asana. To care for the student and that due to this practice is carried out in suspension requires considerable care. Fabric positioning regarding the anatomy refers. Many of the asanas investment made in so many students face their fears begin to understand what happens when we change our point of view, which is left and right front is back.
They are shown the farms involved in each asana, bandha in suspension in certain asanas are activated alone which then helps them on the ground to observe more easily, as your body and mind have already registered.
Weightlessness allows the body is more relaxed so the student is able to understand that it is easier to delve into an asana from relaxation to tension, which is sometimes difficult to understand in and ground.
We use the web as a tool for the ground. Pranayama and meditation practice. We always remember it's a yoga class. Training is always done in retirement. The student is living together in community in the countryside, it is important for us to share, know and feel part of a natural area, caring for the environment and ourselves, all the food is vegetarian and ecological, as well as products used to hygiene, where ahimsa provision is especially relevant. Accommodation is shared and austere. Meditating early in the morning and living in community, where we learn from each other.
We try to be inclusive formation that enriches the student and the teacher course. And always keep in mind that Yoga is why we try to honor and respect.
Swami Omkaranand
Alumno directo de Swami Vishnudevananda, practica y enseña Yoga en varios países desde 1978, fiel a la tradición Sivananda.
Ha fundado asociaciones, Templos y formado a centenares de profesores de Yoga.
Estudió medicina y psicología, publicando diferentes trabajos de investigación dentro de sus especialidades.
Miembro del Parlamento de la Religiones, enseña hinduismo en la Cátedra de las Tres Religiones de Universidad de Valencia.
Actualmente preside la Federación de Yoga Clásico.
+34 633 221 370
Elena Morilla
licenciada en historia y doctorada en filosofía contemporánea, es profesora certificada de yoga (con más de 700h de formación); y formada en masaje ayuryoga bajo el estilo de Kusum Modak. Su aprendizaje se estableció bajo la enseñanza de Swami Sivananda pero en sus últimos años está profundamente inspirada por otros estilos muy dinámicos como Anusara yoga y Vinyoga. Es estudiante de sánscrito por la Universidad de Barcelona y su estancia en Raiwala, India, en el Asrham de Swami Brandev bajo los auspicios del yoga integral, determinó su vocación para transmitir. Elena destaca por su capacidad de ver el potencial de los estudiantes, y en su manera particular de instruir y acompañar en el aprendizaje individual y grupal.
Elena Morilla has a degree in histoy and PhD in philosophy.
She started personal yoga way more than 12 years ago. She has more than 700 hours of teacher treanning and much more of yoga classes. She enjoys with the tecnique of ayuryoga massage (Kusum Modak) as a perfect complement in her classes.
The first TT was under the lineage of Swami Sivananda but she has deeply inspired by the Anusara yoga and the others styles very dinamics like Vinyyoga and hatha vinyasa yoga.
She studies sanskrist language from Barcelona University and her stay in India under blessing teaching of Swami Brandev (Asrham of Raiwala), helped to determante her vocation of to share this art.
Actually she loves teaching, above all, the mitology and fhilosophy of India to help integrate much better –and reveal- the each beauty of students in their sadhana.
Alberto Vazquez Corzo
Training in Yoga:
I start my studies in 1991 with the master Sri Dinesh (ACADEMIE ASAC, FRANCE PUYLAURENS ) THE PRESIDENT TO FRANCE OF INDIA NRI WELLFARE, Integral Yoga teacher, founder of the Yoga Chitianubhuty and Gati chi method (Yoga applied to martial arts ) in 1994 and already beginning to teach yoga (asanas, pranayama, dharana ..) under its authorization.
Sports training:
Technical Level III Judo and self defense.
Master national coach of Judo by RFEJUDO.
Third dan Judo by the RFEJUDO.
First give self-defense by the RFEJUDO.
Swimming instructor by RFENATACIÓN.
Level I Technician karate.
First dan karate by FGKARATE.
Academic training:
Technician in physical and sports activities (SUPERIOR CYCLE TRAINING. TAFAD).
University studies in philosophy and letters unfinished
Other programs:
Tiziana Manca
My anme's Tiziana ,Narayani since my Namaskara Sanskara recibed from Swami Omkarananda.
I started practicing Hata Yoga in Bari (Italy) in 1998 and it become a constant in my life.
Later I have continued to practice Hatha Yoga in sevaral places in
Spain, where i've been living for 15 years. I practice Hata Yoga
Sivananda with Vidal Hernandez - Satiadev Siromani and then I
started to practice in the classes of Ashtanga Yoga in India
(Pondicherry - Auroville ) with Monica Marinoni, in Oviedo ( Spain )
with Thomas Zorzo and Thomas Manzanedo in Ibiza. I approach the
Iyengar Yoga teacher thanks to Jose Antonio Cao in Tenerife. Finally
in 2012 I start my yoga teacher training with Swami Omkarananda
Which brings me to the title of Yoga Acharya in 2014.Hydroelectric
2013 , I start teaching under the supervision of Swami Omkarananda
Hindu Temple in the same year Valencia. Aproaching meditation
techniques from a quite long time,taking avantage on long retreats
in nature, I follow in 2013 the first Vipassana meditation retreat
10 days and repeat it in 2014. Currently still practicing and
teaching Yoga Right, My interests now are looking to train asand
prenatal and children
yoga instructor as well as in anatomy applied to yoga and its
therapeutic aspects .
Tel: 0034 679595472
Cristina Pérez Rodríguez
Formación académica y profesional
1994: Bachillerato. Legio VII. León.
1994 – 1996: Formación en Hatha Yoga y dirección del Centro
de Yoga Dhira Shira con Francisco Martínez Ramos. Formación
discípulo maestro (de lunes a viernes todo el día).
1996 – 2015: Formación de profesor de Yoga con Ángel García
en Hatha Yoga y Yoga de la Energía. Formación en clases y
cursos intensivos (+ de 1000 h)
1999 – 2015: Formación con Pierre Losa en Yoga de la
Energía. Titulación como profesora de Yoga de la Energía.
Acompañado del contenido de la formación específica: Raja
Yoga, Karma Yoga y Bhakti Yoga. Formación en cursos
intensivos (+ de 2000 h)
2014: “Diploma Universitario en Conocimientos Esenciales de
Turismo de Salud y Bienestar” por la Universidad Católica San
Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) y por la Asociación Iberoamericana
de Termalismo y Bienestar (AITB), con el aval del Observatorio
Nacional del Termalismo. 150 h
Formación en Reiki, maestría.
Formación en meditación con la Escuela Viyayam Yoga, con
Ulises Miranda.
Formación a nivel vivencial en: Constelaciones familiares,
Biodescodificación, Rebirthing, Nada Yoga (yoga del sonido),
Mantras, Musicoterapia, Masaje metamórfico, Yoga Nidra,
Relajación coreana, Quinta Dimensión, Numerología,
Canalización, Medicina Ayurveda y alimentación, Meditaciones
activas de Osho y Risoterapia.
Teléfono: 987214899 – 693642837
Irache Visiers
2001: Master in Chemistry Science
2014: Start practising Hatha Yoga with Master Cecilia Pardo, disciple of Swami Niranjananda Saraswati, following Satyananda Yoga tradition
2014: get trained in "Mindfulness Based on Stress Reduction (MBSR)", with the internationally renowned psychoanalyst Rocio Carretero, qualified by the University of Massachusets with the original program of MD Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of this discipline
2015: Start my training in Combat Hapkido with Master Juan Romero, disciple of Grand Master Pellegrini (founder of the discipline), reaching blue belt.
2017: Got the 200h YTT in yoga, specialised in Aeroyoga®, AerialFitness®, and AeroPilates®, by the AeroYoga AeroPilates Institute, recognised by the Yoga Alliance as RYS
2017: Transitioned to the new discipline "DEFENSUS" with Grand Master Juan Romero, reaching brown belt.
2017: Got the 250h YTT in yoga, in Padmakarma in Kerala -India- (recognised by the Yoga Alliance as RYS), with master Padma Nair and her equipment.
2017: Got a certification in the basics of ayurveda by Dr. Revathy Midhuna, in kerala, India.
Natalia G. Miguel (Nagami) Yoga Shikshaka
Profesora de Yoga por el Centro de investigacion de yoga Patanjaliâ en la Escuela Sakura Take Kan de Salamanca (sede de APYC Asociacion de Profesores de Yoga Comunitarios, miembro de European Yoga Federation). Miembro de la Apyc, Ahimsa y Fecly. Co-fundadora de Lombo Teatro y de La Nomada, Sala de Arte y Movimiento. En 2018 crea Yoga Nomada, desde donde realiza sus proyectos pedagogicos.
Salamanca - Espana
Tfno.: 923 087930 638 431 906
Profesor Santiago Pazhin (Santiago Lorenzo Sacco)
CEYSI ® - Rúa de Urzaiz, 77, 36204 Vigo, Pontevedra - España
Formacion Presencial, Semipresencial a Distancia: con mas de 16.000 alumnos formados..
SANTIAGO LORENZO SACCO (Profesor SANTIAGO PAZHIN) Graduado en Yoga Siromani en el Yoga Vedanta Camp de Valmorn, Canada, con Suami Vishnu Devananda, en 1984.
Tel: +34 986 43 53 26 WhatsApp: +34 627 26 56 06
Fernando Hernández Cosme
Trayectoria y experiencia
Diplomado en Empresariales por la U. de salamanca.
Miembro de Sakura Take Kan,Apyc, Ahimsa y Fecly.
Practica Artes Marciales y Yoga desde el año 1993.
Profesor de yoga en Salamanca por mas de 5 años .
I congreso mundial de yoga y Ayurveda, Salamanca, España.25,26 y 27 de Oct. de 2019.
7 encuentro Ayurveda. Leiria, Portugal.7 y 8 de Marzo de 2020.
Hablo Español, Inglés y un poco de Portugués.
Tel +34653035773 +3492322703
Email :
facebook. Fernando H.Yoga Cosme
Iban Bautista Illacucci (Satyananda Raja)
D.N.I: 43768464Q
DIRECCIÓN: C/Manuel de Falla,46, 2E. C.P: 35013. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Islas Canarias. España.
Bachiller y COU (1997)
Formación en los niveles I y II de Reiki Ussui (2010)
Formación nivel I Terapia del Alma (2011)
Formación nivel II Terapia del Alma (2012)
Terapia del Alma: Terapia de sanación metafísica impartida por el psicoanalista estadounidense y profesor de la Universidad de New Yersey Arnulfo J. Vargas.
Profesor de Yoga Integral por la “Asociación de Yoga Integral Dharma Ananda” de Valencia con un total de 560h. (2012)
Maestría del “Ussui Shiki Ryoho”. (2013)
Miembro de la Federación Española de Reiki. (2018).
Formación Internacional de Ayurveda “Ashtangavaidyam Ayurvedic” con un total de 360h, en la escuela Sukhayurveda Spain and Sreyas Kerala, India. (2018)
Actualmente curso mi segundo año de formación en la escuela Internacional Yoga Brahma Vidyalaya, en la formación de Terapeuta Ayurveda impartida por el Dr. José Rugue y en colaboración con el Dr. David Frawley.
Profesor de yoga en el Club Deportivo y de Ocio La Cornisa, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.(2012-2018)
Profesor de yoga en el Club Marítimo Varadero. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. (2013-2018)
Profesor de yoga en la Asociación San Pedro Mártir. (2013-2018)
Profesor de yoga en el Centro “Pi-lates”en Telde. Gran Canaria. (2017)
Profesor de yoga en “Armonía Studio”. Las Palmas de Gran canaria. (2017)
15 años como practicante de yoga dentro de los cuales los 8 últimos años como profesor en los diferentes centros mencionados anteriormente.
Actualmente profesor y director de la Escuela Integral Yogic, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y profesor de yoga para niños de Educación Infantil y Primaria en centros públicos de la isla.
En Enero del 2020 nuestro centro fue seleccionado como Centro Oficial de la Obra de Amma en España para la organización de los Satsang para la provincia de Las Palmas.
Organizador de retiros de yoga y meditación.
Sitio Web:
Teléfono móvil: 609169964
Pedro Pastor Ballesteros
• Doctor in Health Sciences from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. Spain.
• Graduate in Nursing. Specialist in Occupational Nursing.
• Master in Public Health.
• International Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer registered by Yoga Alliance.
• Trained in Raja Yoga at the Bihar School of Yoga. Munger. India.
• Judo Teacher Black Belt 2nd Dan
• Founder and President of the Sankalpa Yoga Association.
Dr Pedro Pastor began teaching Yoga classes in 2010 trying at all times to share his own experience of many years, always emphasizing that the true teacher or Guru is the one inside each one. He defends the Zen maxim that states "when the student is ready, the teacher appears" being on many occasions the teacher himself.
He started on the path of Yoga consciously, or at least that's what he thinks he remembers, at the age of fourteen, self-taught. He was looking for that internal part that the martial arts, which he had been practicing since he was three years old, offered him, but in turn did not show him. What he does remember with certainty is that he soon felt the need to incorporate those teachings into his life.
Pedro conceives Yoga as a way of life, a vital path, which, away from frills and esotericism, consists of trying to live free of personal conflicts, simply living congruently, thinking, feeling, saying and acting in the same way.
As a Doctor of Health Sciences, his approach in teaching Yoga is often from a perspective of balance in the health-disease complex, trying through the practice of an Integral Yoga to add life to the years and not just years to the lifetime. Trying to convey a restorative, integrative and preventive vision in the practice of it.
He lives with a feeling of immense gratitude towards all those students, professors and teachers that I have found on his path, for everything they have contributed to him.
During his regulated training he has taken and continues to take numerous training courses in different Yoga schools with different lineages and different styles, both in Spain and in India, always trying to combine and make the most of each one of them, integrating the knowledge of this ancient science, in order to be able to share them with others.
Dr. Pedro Pastor feels that each human being is immersed in his own path and it is important to have the possibility of equipping himself with the tools that Yoga provides us to become aware of each vital cycle, respecting nature, the environment, and the body itself, because of that way the human being is able to find happiness and that path likes to call it Yoga.
In 2019 he began teaching seminars, classes, workshops and specialized courses as a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (Yacep®).
In 2021 she began to train RYT200-RYT300-RYT500® Yoga teachers in the Sankalpa Yoga Association, with the following objectives:
-Preserve the traditional practice and teaching of Yoga by collaborating with international teachers and teachers from different lineages and schools.
-Collaborate with other associations, groups or collectives that also direct their activity towards contributing equitably and disinterestedly to improving social welfare, in particular for the most disadvantaged.
-Investigate and publicize ancient traditional techniques that are currently forgotten or in disuse.
-Preserve the traditional practice and teaching of Yoga, but always showing willingness to other perspectives and current ways of doing things, showing respect, humility and openness.
-Try to instil in the students that they incorporate the yogic practice, philosophy and habits of life as a lifestyle.
-That the students can be that legacy that continues transmitting the knowledge acquired to future generations.
-Train teachers responsibly, accompanying them in their own transformation process.
-Always continue researching in constant training to offer the best of ourselves.
Phone: +34 667 768 003
Web site:
Social media:
Ricard Rotllan Casafont
Deep knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and how to apply it to live fully. He is a master of Buddhism and a master in yoga.
At the age of eighteen he began to practice Yoga.
In 1979, he began his Buddhist studies at the Samye Ling Temple in Scotland.
He has received numerous teachings and great initiations from great masters, such as the Great Kalachakra Initiation for Peace in the World. He has studied to be a professor of Buddhist philosophy, obtaining the "Certificate of Excellence" from the "Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition" (FPMT). He has been a Buddhist monk for 13 years and is a disciple of H. H. the Dalai Lama.
He practices Hatha Yoga intensely, and has obtained international diplomas from the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy in Rishikesh, India, as a Yogui Siromani (yoga teacher) and also as a Yoga Acharya (master in yoga). He has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997. He regularly gives lectures and courses, is a speaker at conferences and directs retreats. He is a regular contributor to "Catalunya Ràdio", a channel in which he has created the space "Un minut de meditació" within the program "L'ofici de viure", awarded the Ciutat de Barcelona 2009 prize in the radio category. Salvador Escamilla Award for best radio program in 2010 in the category of public Catalan radio granted by the Spanish Academy of Radio and the European Podcast Awards 2010.
He directed the “First Global Meditation 2008” at the Barcelona Forum, which brought together more than 2,300 people, and the “Second Global Meditation 2009” at the Auditori, which brought together 2,000 people, as well as collective meditation at the former Llobet Factory in Calella del Maresme, which brought together more than 1500 people.
He has received the Certificate of Trainer in the course of Training of Trainers in High Capacities of the ICE (Institute of Sciences of the Education) of the UB (University of Barcelona).
He has collaborated in the collection “Reflexiones en torno a la muerte” published by the SFB (Barcelona Funeral Services), is the author of the books “El libro práctico del yoga” (Morales y Torres ediciones), “Aprenent a estimar” (Vienna editors) an “Minuts de meditació” (Atrium Pòrtic)
Creator and Director of the Thubten Sherab Ling Yoga and Meditation Center.
phone: +34634532414
Agneta Wirberg
är certifierad yogalärare och har utövat yoga i större delen av sitt liv. 1994 kom hon i kontakt med Iyengarmetoden via Janik Hayrapetyan, certifierad av B.K.S. Iyengar, som hade tillbringat 12 år på RIMYI i Pune, Indien, som elev och assistent till B.K.S. Iyengar. Tack, Janik, för att du delade med dig av dina erfarenheter! (see:
Yogashanti offers yoga and yoga therapy individually or in small groups. We practice Svastha Yoga in the tradition of Krishnamacharya as taught by AG and Indra Mohan. The word Svastha in Sanskrit refers to the state of complete health and balance.,
Hari Prem & Björn
Hari Prem & Björn have since 1992 / 1974 been teaching from the Satyananda Yoga tradition. They are founders of Ananda Mandala Yoga Retreat Center in Småland, Sweden, where they give their longer Yoga & Meditation retreats.
Phone: +46 70 275 50 65
E-mail: info @
Nina Casura
Ich bin auf einem über alles geliebten Bauernhof aufgewachsen und habe einen starken Bezug zum Cuafförgeschäft, das als Familienunternehmen geführt wird. In meiner Jugend hatte der Wettkampf im Skifahren Priorität. Die Bewegung wurde zur Leidenschaft - Geduld und Wille wurde in den Verletzungspausen geübt. Mit der Vision, das Cuafförgeschäft einmal zu übernehmen, habe ich mit viel Engagement die Lehre als Coiffeuse absolviert. Später erweiterte ich meine Kenntnisse mit verschiedenen Lehrgängen
von der Berufsprüfung bis hin zum eidgenössischen Diplom als Coiffeuse. Mein Wissen habe ich danach mit einem Nachdiplomstudium in Betriebswirtschaft erweitert. Schon immer mochte ich die Bewegung in der Natur. Neben dem Joggen, Biken und Skifahren habe ich die Faszination für die Berge entdeckt.
- Bergsteigen über die Gletscher bis in hohe Lagen
- Wandern im Wald im Einklang mit Blumen und Tieren
- Skitouren
- Freeriden mit Ski, Snowboard oder Telemark
- Klettern am Fels oder im Eis
All diese Leidenschaften werden mich auf meinem Lebensweg begleiten. Eine Reise durch Europa mit strenger Eigendisziplin und täglichem Praktizieren von YOGA hat mich in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung weitergebracht. Nach einem Monat YOGA-Ausbildung im Sivanada Yoga Vedanta Center in Reith habe ich erfahren wo und wie ich mich finden kann und gelernt wie ich mein Wissen an andere weitergeben kann. RUKMINI - die Goldene, wurde geboren und jetzt bin ich als YOGA SIROMANI Lehrerin tätig. Ich darf hier und jetzt auf diesem wunderbaren Planeten weilen und weiss, dass mich die Natur, die Berge, die Seen, die frische Luft und die Bewegung auf meinem Lebensweg begleiten werden. Tag für Tag freue ich mich, neues von Mitmenschen zu lernen und mein Wissen an Interessierte weitergeben zu können.
Phone: +41 (0) 78 635 47 07
Peter Todesco
My Name ist Peter Todesco, born 30 March 1951, living and teaching in Switzerland - I explore the possibilities of «Immortality» in all religions and spiritual traditions since more than 50 years.
There are two main traditions, that support this goal in explicit words and techniques: Kriya Yoga (the path of Patanjali) and Tao Yoga, both sources are rooted in the wisdom of Tibetan and Himalayan Yogis.
As I understand these paths of freedom they all have a hidden Philosophy of immortal souls and Immortality as fact and truth. Therefore I founded my «School of Meditation» to teach this knowledge in the language of today.
Il mio nome è Peter Todesco, nato il 30 marzo 1951, vive e insegna in Svizzera - da oltre 50 anni esploro le possibilità di «immortalità» in tutte le religioni e tradizioni spirituali.
Ci sono due tradizioni principali, che sostengono questo obiettivo con parole e tecniche esplicite: Il Kriya Yoga ( la via del Patanjali) e il Tao Yoga, entrambe le fonti sono radicate nella saggezza degli Yogi Tibetani e degli Yogi dell'Himalaya.
Per quanto io comprenda questi percorsi di libertà, essi hanno tutti una filosofia nascosta di anime immortali e dell'immortalità come fatto e verità. Per questo ho fondato la mia «Scuola di Meditazione» per insegnare questa conoscenza nella lingua di oggi.
mobile +41 79 765 61 11
Loredana Stranges
Terapista Ayurvedica ed Insegnante - Responsabile del Centro Shanti Deva "Health and Ayurvedic Center" di Lugano
Fondatrice del Swiss Ayurvedic Institute - Scuola Internazionale di Ayurveda, Lugano
Accompagno gruppi in luoghi dove unisco l'aspetto della vacanza a quello del lavoro su di sè, di crescita personale attraverso diversi strumeti ovvero Nada yoga, mantra, meditazioni, rituali
Il mio compito è quello di guidare gli altri attraverso l'esplorazione di Sè al fine di stimolare l'evoluzione della coscienza umana, l'evoluzione dell'Anima
Phone 0041 79 433 39 74
Vivian Lagier
Parcours Professionnel
2018 -2020
Intervenant HEPV (Haute Ecole de Pédagogie Valais Suisse)
2016 - 2020
CFRY (Centre de Formation et Recherche en Yoga)
Formation Professeur de Yoga.
Formation Continue en Yoga thérapie aux professionnels de la santé.
Formation Continue en Yoga pour Enfants et Adolescents aux professionnels des enfants.
Représentant en Suisse du Lonavla Yoga Institute. India.
2013 – 2016
Création du Centre Natura yoga. Directrice de formation pour des professeurs de yoga et de la formation continue en yoga thérapie selon la méthode du Dr. Bhole ; en yoga pour des enfants et pour des adolescents.
Semo-Oseo à Carouge, Genève. Adolescents en réinsertion dans le cadre de la gestion du stress.
Création du Yoga & Wellness Institute à Genève
Enseignante, organisatrice et gérante du centre et de l’équipe de professeurs, des cours de yoga enfants, adolescents adultes, seniors, femmes enceintes et ateliers de formations.
Ecole Internationale de Genève dans le cadre de la santé des adolescents.
Professeur de yoga à l’école Club Migros à Vevey et Genève
Professeur de yoga à Hewlett Packard à Genève
Institut d’études supérieures Hernando Arias de Saavedra, Argentine. Créatrice et Responsable du Bachelor en yoga et études orientales (en collaboration avec le Dr. Garothe dans la recherche littéraire). Professeur d’Histoire du yoga et de littérature du Hatha Yoga.
Direction générale de culture de la province de Misiones, Argentine
• Contrôle d’archives
• Recherche en ethnologie
• Organisation d’événements
• Responsable de projets culturels
• Responsable des cours de yoga
6 juillet 1965
Case Postale 165
1000 Lausanne 10
+ 41 79 215 10 45
Edy Bampa
Edy è nata in provincia di Venezia dove si laurea in Economia Aziendale, si sposta a Milano per la specializzazione MBA Bocconi ed inizia il percorso lavorativo che la porta in Svizzera. A Lugano sviluppa la pratica dello yoga dal 2005 ed inizia ad insegnarlo nel 2010. Fonda la scuola Yoga Dinamico e Natural Wellness nel 2013, in cui propone oltre a corsi e workshop di yoga anche formazione insegnanti e master di specializzazione.
Formatasi con Emy Blesio Mahamandaleshwar Pandit Yogacharini Swami Gayatri Devi nella formazione quadriennale 600h della CUIDY, prosegue poi gli studi con l’ashtanga vinyasa Yoga con Maju Jois, David Swenson e Mark Robbers, da cui apprende anche i Movimenti funzionali di Adreo Spina. Si appassiona all’anatomia yoga e alla corretta postura secondo i principi anusara yoga che derivano dall’iyengar yoga e diventa insegnante Anusara 500h con Ezgi Fisher. Diventa nel frattempo anche insegnante di restorative yoga. Sviluppa la filosofia con corsi di sanscrito, di filosofia Shivaita del kashmir con maestri come Purnanda ed il prof. Bill Mahony. Sviluppa la meditazione buddhista con Lama Sherab ed i suoi discepoli, la meditazione tantrica con Adrea Boni, la mindfuness con Giacomo Bo.
Viene invitata a trasmissioni televisive per la RSI, alla radio per Radio Fiume Ticino ed interviste su giornali per edizioni speciali del Corriere del Ticino per trattare argomenti sullo yoga.
via chiosso 15 Lugano-Resega
tel +41-76-756 01 74
Facebook Page Yoga Dinamico Lugano
Johannes Glarner
At the age of 10 I saw a yogi meditate for hours on a Greek beach. This made me afraid, I thought he was on drugs. But secretly and diligently I taught myself lotus sitting and tried out various yogic techniques in a playful way. At the age of 20, in addition to doing various sports, I started serious yoga attempts, among other things based on the book by Selvarajan Yesudian: Yoga und Sport. In doing so, I practiced systematically and on my own various asanas: headstand, shoulderstand, handstand, various back stretches and also relaxation, breathing and meditation techniques. Including longer interruptions, I was a wild yogi for twenty years. From then on I have energetically systematised and professionalised my practice. Since then I have been practising daily, taking part in countless workshops, yoga weeks and retreats with renowned yoginis and yogis all over the world, and I have also completed an ambitious four-and-a-half year yoga teacher training course in Switzerland. With 1200+ hours of training I am certified as Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher, active member of Yoga Switzerland, Asthanga Yoga Community Zurich etc. I founded the Yoga Collegium (teachers teaching teachers) and the Yoga Studium (modular specialisations for yoga teachers). I teach Hatha Yoga in Zurich on a regular basis and also run workshops in Switzerland and Europe, some of which last several days or weeks. I am a teacher at various yoga teacher schools, and in addition to my work in schools and clinics, I also teach private individuals of all origins. For seven years I taught yoga and yoga philosophy at the Business School IE in Madrid as part of the postgraduate master's course 'Advanced Self-Development for Positive Leadership: Kinesiology of Strategic Leadership'. I will now teach my subject at the Center for Health, Wellbeing and Happiness at IE.
Vatican City
Maurizio Dickmann
Maurizio Dickmann ( Yogacharya Eknathananda ) nasce a Roma nel quartiere Prati all’ombra del Cupolone (San Pietro) come dicono a Roma di quelli nati nelle vicinanze del Vaticano , in una notte pericolosa ( c’era ancora la guerra e vigeva il coprifuoco ) con i tedeschi in giro , il 13 Marzo 1945 , dopo due mesi sarebbe scoppiata finalmente la pace , e nell’Agosto successivo anche la prima bomba atomica ad Hiroshima , che apriva drammaticamente l’era del nucleare .Gli studi si concludono nel 1966 con il conseguimento della Maturita’ Scientifica , in cui sviluppa una piacevole predisposizione per le materie umanistiche ( letteratura , latino , filosofia , ecc….ecc ) .Nel 1970 entra in Alitalia , dove rimane per trentaquattroanni , di cui gli ultimi venti passati nella Direzione Relazioni Pubbliche nell’Ufficio Rapporti con la Santa Sede ( Vaticano ) collaborando alla organizzazione dei Voli Papali . Partecipa a 60 voli con il pontefice di allora , Giovanni Paolo II .Alla fine degli anni ’70 in seguito ad una “ forte “ esperienza interiore in cui percepisce un “ fotismo “ (luce interiore) si accosta allo Yoga con il Maestro Jivan Mukta ( Orfeo Bdini ) e i n seguito si iscrive all’ A.N.Y (Associazione Nazionale Yoga ) , poi divenuta SIFIPY , e ora EFOA conseguendo il diploma che lo abilita all’insegnamento . Ha come formatore il grande Maestro belga Andre’ Van Lysebeth .Interessi esoterici lo avvicinano allo studio delle sacre scritture di Oriente Occidente . Consegue a meta’ degli anni ’80 il Diploma in Teologia presso il Centro Diocesano di Roma .Frequenti viaggi in tutte le parti dl mondo lo portano ad affacciarsi a molte finestre del sapere .Collabora da alcuni anni con la International School For Yoga and Ayurveda del Maestro Amadio Bianchi per l’insegnamento e la formazione degli insegnanti .E’ titolare del Blog LA CAVERNA DI DON FALCUCCIO ( ) , che contiene 365 blog sugli argomenti piu’ disparati , attualmente gode di una lettura media di 500/600 pagine giornaliere .Tiene su invito e richiesta stage e incontri su temi spirituali in particolare commenti e meditazioni sui Vangeli e Bagavhadgita.
Insegna e tiene corsi presso la UPS ( Universita’ Popolare per lo Sport ) a Roma.
Mobile: +39 3394094629